Julia Meitov Hersey: I am a (former) radio journalist, a technical writer, an editor, and a translator. Our favorite book is Vita Nostra, and we are delighted that it has finally reached English-speaking audiences. Our characters are sorcerers and DJs, Grand Inquisitors and actors, opportunists and school teachers. We are proud to have been awarded the title of Best European Sci-fi and Fantasy Writers at Glasgow WorldCon in 2005. A lot of our books have been translated into many languages and published in several countries. We have written over thirty novels, plus many novellas and short stories. For the past twenty-five years, the dragon and the princess have been living and writing books together.

A very long time ago we wrote a novel about a dragon who kidnapped a princess – it was an autobiography. Dyachenko: We are Marina and Sergey Dyachenko, a former actress and a former psychiatrist, and now Ukrainian and Russian authors.